I had always been told that using a spoon is bad manner, and that Italian people would never do it. I recently discovered that my Italian friend, on the opposite, thought that only the French did not use a spoon.
Here is a map showing countries where people sometimes use spoons, the greener the spooner:
What if your neighbour uses a spoon?
Reactions range from "I don't care" and "It is normal" to "It's offensive and disgusting" and "They are filthy casual":Spoon: Formal or informal?
There is an extremely surprising antagonism:- 2% use a spoon only in informal situations,
- 9% use a spoon only in FORMAL situations!
Let's focus on the formal/informal divide. Apparently, the spoon is considered formal in Poland/Denmark, and to a certain extent in Germany and North America. It is considered rather informal in the rest of the world:
A fine Finn respondent concludes this way: "[Using a spoon] is the proper way, although knife and fork is considered normal around here." You read it right. "Knife". That might be the topic of my next article.
I have made the raw data available, public domain.